Heroes of the Strom Season 1 2019 started 11.Decembar.2018 and will end on 19.March.2019
Heroes of the Strom Season 4 2018 started 25.Septembar.2018 and will end on 11.Decembar.2018
Heroes of the Strom Season 3 2018 started 3.July.2018 and will end on 24.Septembar.2018
Heroes of the Strom Season 2 2018 started 6.March.2018 and will end on 3.July.2018
Heroes of the Strom Season 1 2018 started 12.December.2017 and will end on 6.Marth.2018
At the end of each season, the rankings are reset, and everyone gets a fresh start to earn ranks again. At the end of each HotS season you get rewards, including unique mounts, based on your peak rank and your initial placement in the new season derives from how well you did in past seasons.
We will update our topic with all new information once we know more, if you need help with your placement games try our HotS Placement.
Previous Heroes of the Storm Season Start and End Dates:
Heroes of the Strom Season 1 2018 started 12.December.2017 and will end on 6.Marth.2018
HotS Season 3 (6) 2017 Started 5.September.2017 Ends on December 12.
HotS Season 2 (5) 2017 Started 13.June.2017 Ends at 12.Septembar.2017
HotS Season 1 (4) 2017 Started September 13.March.2017 Ends on 13.June.2017
HotS Season 3 Started 13-Dec-2016 ends 13-Mar-2017
HotS Season 2 Started 13.septembar.2016 ends 13-Dec-2016
HotS Season 1 Started 14.June.2016 Ended on 13.septembar.2016
As you can see in Heroes of the Storm each year has around 3-4 seasons that last around 3 months e.
When you first start ranked play and at the start of each new season, you will need to complete a series of ten placement matches to get your starting rank and develop an understanding of your personal skill level. Note that you can only queue together with other friends who are also doing placement matches while you’re still in placement matches. Once you’re done, you will receive your initial placement for the season and can start earning rank points.
These are the important updates in each season:
Hots Season 3 2018
Third Ban During Drafts
We are adding a third ban for each team during draft mode’s existing initial-ban phase.
MMR and Rank Decay
We are introducing both matchmaking rating (MMR) and rank decay for inactive Diamond, Master, and Grand Master Hero League players
Changes to How Placement Matches Handle New and Returning Players
Players who enter ranked play for the first time can no longer be seeded into placement matches higher than Gold 5
Players who return to Hero League after an extended break will no longer be re-seeded during placement games based on their performance in other modes.
Ranked Matchmaking Match Quality Improvements
We are hardening Hero League matchmaking rules to enforce higher-quality matches over reducing queue times
HotS Season 2 2018
First, we will no longer boost the system’s uncertainty level in players’ matchmaking ratings (MMRs) at the start of a new ranked season. Previously, this uncertainty boost made movement more fluid during players’ initial matches each season. Removing it will smooth out cases where players could make considerable swings in rank over a relatively small number of games.
Hots Season 1 2018
Performance-based matchmaking will help our system better evaluate individual players' in-game performance during a match, and adjust how much their rank and matchmaking ratings (MMR) increase or decrease at the end of that game. If players perform beyond expectations for their current MMR, the system will award more when they win, and subtract less when they lose.
HotS Season 3 2017
There are changing the way that placements work for high-ranked players. Previously, the highest a player could be placed was Diamond 3. This was causing some chaos during the early parts of a season where Diamond-skilled players and Master-skilled players were heavily intermixed. This season, players can be placed as high as 1000 rank points into Master which should help with that. To go along with that, Grandmaster will only become available two weeks after the start of the season so players aren’t placing directly into Grandmaster and there are two weeks of competition before the first Grandmasters are crowned.
HotS Season 2 2017
Personal Rank Adjustments: We’ve lessened personal rank point adjustments in Hero and Team These will allow a player to earn more points when they win or lose.
Team League: Wait time for 2 player team is very long, the leaders from additional 2-player parties attempting to enter the queue will see a warning message that they may be in for a long wait.
When this occurs, those party leaders can choose to enter the lengthy queue if they are willing to wait or cancel the queue to find additional party members and get a match more quickly.
HotS Season 1 2017
For the first season of 2017, there are no big changes planned and the preseason is:
Hero League, Solo queue has been a huge success. We’ve seen a lot of positive feedback from players and match quality has been greatly improved.
Team League, The population of team league has risen dramatically and there are more Team League games being played than ever before.
However, the disparity between the number of people queueing as duos and the number queueing as trios sometimes leads to long queue times,which can in turn lead to lower match quality.
HotS Season 3
At BlizzCon this year it was mention that the there are new party sizes for Team league. With the start of Season 3, we’ve decided to remove parties from Hero League and allow smaller party sizes to queue for Team League as a single-season trial. Here are the exact changes we’re going to make with the start of Season 3:
Hero League can now be played only solo no more parties of 2.
Team League Parties containing 2, 3, or 5 players can now queue for Team League matches.
All players in two and three-player parties must be ranked within a single league of one another in order to queue for Team League.
While players will need to have access to at least 14 Heroes in order to play Team League, there are still no minimum Hero level requirements in order to queue for Team League matches.
Team League will still utilize First Come, First Serve (FCFS) during Draft Mode, which means that parties of two and three players will need to coordinate effectively when drafting their Heroes.
Players who are currently silenced or penalized for leaving games early can no longer queue for Team League for the duration of their penalties.
Once again, these changes are intended as a trial run during Season3, and may be reverted next season if we are not happy with how they affect ranked play overall.
HotS Season 2
You’ll no longer receive a flat 250 ranked point adjustment after winning a promotion match or losing a demotion match. Instead, these matches will now award or remove the same amount of points as a normal ranked game.
Losing a promotion match will now subtract the normal ranked points for a loss, minus the number of excesses ranked points that were stored prior to your promotion match.
Demotion matches do not store lost ranking points, which means you’ll only lose the normal amount of ranking points if you’re defeated during a demotion match.
Preseason play is about to wrap up as we prepare to introduce Heroes of the Storm’s first official ranked season. Alongside the arrival of Season 1, we’re also completely changing the ranking system, offering a lot of new rewards for Hero and Team League players, making significant matchmaking adjustments, and even adding a Grandmaster Leaderboard to the official Heroes website.
HotS Season 1
Preseason play is about to wrap up as we prepare to introduce Heroes of the Storm’s first official ranked season. Alongside the arrival of Season 1, we’re also completely changing the ranking system, offering a lot of new rewards for Hero and Team League players, making significant matchmaking adjustments, and even adding a Grandmaster Leaderboard to the official Heroes website.
In Heroes of the Storm, your skill level, or Rank, is expressed in the form of League Tiers and Divisions. Depended on that you will get HotS Ranked Rewards or Season Rewards in Heroes of the Storm.
For Heroes of the Storm Ranked Season 1 2019 ends on 19 March.2019 and rewards are:
HotS Season 1 2019 Mount
Hots Season 4 2018 Mount:

Hots Season 3 2018 Mount:
Hots Season 2 2018 Mount:
Hots Season 1 2018 Mount:

HotS Season 3 2017 Mount:

HotS Season 3 2017 Icons:
- Bronze 500 Gold Bronze Hero League Portrait
- Silver 750 Gold Silver Hero League Portrait
- Gold 1000 Gold Gold Hero League Portrait
- Platinum 1250 Gold Season 3 Mount Platinum Hero League Portrait
- Diamond 1500 Gold Season 3 Mount Diamond Hero League Portrait
- Master 1750 Gold Season 3 Mount Epic Season 3 Mount Master Hero League Portrait
- Grand Master 2000 Gold Season 3 Mount Epic Season 3 Mount Grand Master Hero League Portrait
- Bronze 500 Gold Season 3 Mount Bronze Team League Portrait
- Silver 750 Gold Season 3 Mount Silver Team League Portrait
- Gold 1000 Gold Season 3 Mount Gold Team League Portrait
- Platinum 1250 Gold Season 3 Mount Platinum Team League Portrait
- Diamond 1500 Gold Season 3 Mount Diamond Team League Portrait
- Master 1750 Gold Season 3 Mount Epic Season 3 Mount Master Team League Portrait
- Grand Master 2000 Gold Season 3 Mount Epic Season 3 Mount Grand Master Team League Portrait
Heroes of the Storm Season Rewards for the previous season are the following:
HotS Season 2 2017 Earthbreaker Grizzly Mount
HotS Season 2 2017 Icon
- Bronze 500 Gold Bronze Hero League Portrait
- Silver 750 Gold Silver Hero League Portrait
- Gold 1000 Gold Gold Hero League Portrait
- Platinum 1250 Gold Earthbreaker Grizzly Mount Platinum Hero League Portrait
- Diamond 1500 Gold Earthbreaker Grizzly Mount Diamond Hero League Portrait
- Master 1750 Gold Earthbreaker Grizzly Mount Epic Earthbreaker Grizzly Mount Master Hero League Portrait
- Grand Master 2000 Gold Earthbreaker Grizzly Mount Epic Earthbreaker Grizzly Mount Grand Master Hero League Portrait
- Bronze 500 Gold Earthbreaker Grizzly Mount Bronze Team League Portrait
- Silver 750 Gold Earthbreaker Grizzly Mount Silver Team League Portrait
- Gold 1000 Gold Earthbreaker Grizzly Mount Gold Team League Portrait
- Platinum 1250 Gold Earthbreaker Grizzly Mount Platinum Team League Portrait
- Diamond 1500 Gold Earthbreaker Grizzly Mount Diamond Team League Portrait
- Master 1750 Gold Earthbreaker Grizzly Mount Epic Earthbreaker Grizzly Mount Master Team League Portrait
- Grand Master 2000 Gold Earthbreaker Grizzly Mount Epic Earthbreaker Grizzly Mount Grand Master Team League Portrait
HotS Season 1 2017 Battle Raptor Mount

HotS Season 1 2017 Icon
Heroes of the Storm Season 3 Elemental Stag Mount

Heroes of the Storm Season 3 Icons
Heroes of the Storm Season 2 Elemental Lion Mount

Heroes of the Storm Season 2 Icons
Heroes of the Storm Season 1 Elemental Lizard Mount

Heroes of the Storm Season 1 Icons
We try to track all rewards you can get from all Blizzard games and other games too, if you like our post please like us on facebook where we send our news first.